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BUUUURRRRR. . . With our recent freezing temperatures this winter, seasonal mold spore counts have dropped significantly.
Seasonal mold spores are prominent allergens in the Fall months especially on the East coast. Fungi that develops throughout the fall in decaying leaves, in planting soil and in rotting wood ultimately release mold spores. Although the cold winter months typically kills these spores off, milder winters such as last year’s leave higher spore counts through the Spring months. Often we will see an escalation of mold spore counts when temperatures rise.
When you are allergic to seasonal mold spores, your immune system tries to defend itself causing a variety of symptoms including itching, sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion, and a runny nose. It may not be ragweed alone in the Fall causing your symptoms; seasonal mold spores could be culprit.
As a rule of thumb, pay special attention to the pollen counts especially throughout the fall months. When seasonal mold spores peak, make sure you have your nasal sprays and antihistamines readily available to help defend your immune system. There are other natural remedies for seasonal mold spores too. For example: make sure your gutters are cleaned out before the leaves have a chance to break down. Also, wear a mask when raking leaves. Finally, make sure you shower and utilize nasal rinses after yard work. If this just isn’t cutting it, we can help you find a treatment plan that works for you.